About Martha

Born in Florida during the depression, Martha grew up during the war years. She married a young Air Force officer and spent several years traveling across the USA with her family. When her husband left the service, they settled in California for a few years. They returned to Florida for 13 years, until his job took them back to California for 9 years and then back to Florida . During those years she raised 4 daughters, took a degree in English education, and engaged in many activities and volunteer jobs.
Martha always enjoyed the outdoors; gardening was a lifelong passion; she played tennis for years; and in California enjoyed hiking. After her daughters were grown, she took up square dancing, pottery lessons, and bonsai among other activities.
As Martha grew older, she had to slow down, at least physically. In her seventies she learned to use a computer and started writing romance novels, publishing ten.
Martha passed away in 2023 at the age of 91, survived by three of her daughters. She was working on an eleventh novel at the time of her death.